Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A little more on cult party kei

I really love the look of this style its filled with handmade goodies and wonderful layers mixed with lingerie nothing can go wrong with that and its easy to thrift some items or vintage lace, ribbon, rosary's and pillow cases which can be made in to beautiful purses or cross body bags & vintage pins ect. I know the first post i made about cult party I didn't say very much because i already knew the other sites who did it and i thought there way was right but now i realize there is stuff i could get into more details which would be the diy aspect of it sense there is alot of it in the style and you would have a one of a kind item by adding your own touches to it. I also feel like its not very popular but i would like to help change that sense its easyer to get into then other stuff like lolita unless you can afford to spend big money on a dress unless you want to make your own which you will be saving money i have nothing against lolita in fact i wear that style every now and then but for the most part i love japanese fashion which is easy to find or make without actually being in japan altho that is my biggest dream to go there and learn about there cooking and fashion and shop at there vintage stores.. sorry getting off topic.
Cult party diy well its hard to find tutorials on it thats for sure but it is easy to look at pictures and get idea's on it there is alot of layers and they use alot of scrap fabric also little hunks of wool, lace & ribbon here is a example
 Now this dress you can tell its homemade and made with vintage fabric that looks like bed sheets i think its adorable and easy to recreate 
I also come to realize that cult party uses embroidery which is easy and fun to do and you can do it almost anywhere you can personalize your socks , dresses ect there is also thrifted handkerchiefs you can use for stuff like clothes, head pieces ect here is a video where you can make using a handkerchief into a lolita headband which still works for cult party. 

Now here is a few easy stuff to make with yarn you can make braids for outfits or hair accessories and then there is pompoms which are adorable can be made into hair accessories & belts homemade is better then store bought when it comes to making things the way you like it  the colors you like there is also crocheting or knitting stuff but here is how to do pompom and braid video
bonus video fabric yo yo's

Here is some pictures of other homemade stuff 

There is this one thing which alot of westerns like to do which is make flower crowns as for me i dont really like them yes they are pretty and easy to make and yes i make them sometimes but for some reason i am not a fan of them but thats just my opinion here is a video anyways :P


collars are popular there is many types like peter pan style and sailor style which is my favorite and its easy to find patterns for collars as we speak i am working on one i shall post up pictures soon here is a video and a picture of the differant types 

Doll parts seem to be popular to use i think its a neat idea instead of getting rid of a broken doll continue to use it here's a example 

now at last we come to the brooches  and crosses both of which are either easy to find or make making badges is a easy cheap i also noticed alot of japanese love alot of brooches here are some video's and pictures of course 

lolita brooches video's but i am sure you get the idea made this wonderful brooch

Now finally i am done i hope i didn't miss anything if i did let me know i hope everyone has a great day and gives cult party a try sadly its dying out which depresses me cause its a beautiful style and there is a bunch of stuff that can be handmade i hope i was able to help you guys out ♥


  1. Very well done I really enjoy that you added video tutorials. I often wear Cult party Daily as its feels so good to wear and I love the layering. I have also found that when I do Shironuri it is an amazing combo as well.

    1. Thank you so much you really made my day i also think shironuri is a beautiful style but i have yet to try it out
