Monday, April 27, 2015

Rilakkuma & other wonderful things

I wanted to make a post about this a while ago i know i am behind on post so sorry but i got a wonderful package from my friend a while ago who is working in Japan for a year she is coming back next month this post is decayed to her. I was practically in tears for how sweet and thoughtful the gifts are.

cute kitty tights 

 Rilakkuma goodies & stickers from a popular anime in japan  

 Pokemon goodies & a cute little bird which i'm gonna remake into a badge also the kill la kill key chain is gonna be turned in to jewelry 

 The last little Rilakkuma item its a tiny change purse i consider it my little charm & inside was some yen so i am able to buy some onigiri or i think a small bento with the amount was giving if and when i do go to japan 

That is all for today thanks for visiting it means alot i hope you all have a great day ♥