Friday, September 5, 2014

A little bit of everything

Lets start off with hey how has everyone been i have been busy on this end so this is just a bit of everything today please enjoy 

First off lets start with the new gaming i have been doing this past little while now i am terrible at this game but it has such beautiful music and its not hard i just struggle with timing when it comes to it i am talking about 
it takes many tries for me but i still don't give up your characters grow up levels quickly which is nice to and there are some parts of each song i do not bad at which helps me not to give up on the game if you like final fantasy in all its shapes and forms i vote you should try and get a hold of this for the 3DS.

Now on to Tomodachi Life its a fun game you get to put any mii's you like your friends , anime characters & people from shows or movies you pretty much watch over them and try to please them but its still a good time waster game. 

Last game i am gonna talk about is Kirby Triple Deluxe its a wonderful fun game like the other ones in the past  i am a huge Kirby fan so getting this game made me get super happy to start it up and play they added in 4 or 5 differant new powers to gain 
plus he also has a new part in the game where you can go to hypernova and you can suck a lot of much bigger stronger things that would be hard to do at normal Kirby with the regular power up's also i'd like to mention they made the bosses a lot harder now then they were in the past i only got as far as the first boss cause i am trying to clear a lot more of the levels if you love Kirby games you should try it out. 

Now fashion i am happy to report it might not be Japanese fashion but i do still enjoy it Mercedes-Benz fashion week has started  I watch it every year online so happy they stream it cause there is no way i could afford to go to New York and get to see all the fashion shows for a week it would seem very expensive i would think non the less i watch it every year and here is the link to it as well i am sorry i missed a day or 2.
 Sense i am talking about fashion i cant help but talk about Joan Rivers its sad that she died she was funny and i used to watch her all the time on a show called Fashion police so good so funny. I think it also was great cause Kelly Osbourne but that's just my 2 cents R.I.P Joan Rivers your humor will be missed.   
& we cant forget goodbye to another comedian legend Robin Williams most of are childhoods were ruined not to long ago he played many wonderful characters like Batty, the Genie, Mrs Doubtfire, Peter from Jumanji, Peter from hook, Theodore Roosevelt from Night at the museum & Ramon & Lovelace from Happy feet sorry i just named all the ones i remembered I'm sure there is more i seen i just can't remember at the moment.
He was such a huge part of are lives its a shame he went the way he did but i do understand what he is going through sense i to struggle with a mental disability and depression is part of it.

Now back to lighten the mood here are some goodies i made one i made yesterday was the necklace its made out of stretchy cord and expensive beads i wouldn't usually by but they were on sale at Fabricland i couldn't help but get and my pompom hanging earring i got inspired by one of the girls in the book Tokyo Adorned & the necklace may look light but its not it has a little bit of a weight to i think its cause the beads are glass beads so pretty though 

So that's all for now thank you coming to visit i hope everyone has a good day ♥

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