Monday, May 12, 2014

Are dog

This is Jin he is a yorkiepoo we adopted him at the human society 4 years ago. I got his name off of a anime called Samurai Champloo i was very amused with him plus he has glasses the downside when they say his name more like Jean instead of Jin sorry about the rambling now its times for tons of adorable pictures he loves the winter playin in the snow he is very loving and loves anything that moves really he has a weakness for the ladies dog or humans he just wants to be around them for attention oh yes before i forgot when we adopted him he was already 4 years old so he is now 8 and lots of photo spam through out the years.

 I made this little bowtie he picked the color i made it for him in under a hour he was feeling pretty classy and tired 

Sorry this new blog post is about the dog i just want to show you guys the one who loves to pull on my heart strings everyday with his sweetness i hope everyone has a great day ♥


  1. I love the bow tie, he looks like he loves it too

    1. he does love it i still need to make him more to get more practice
